Aaaahhhh …. Relief is here for Second Home and Investment Property Loans.
Already lender announcements are coming to our inbox saying the extreme LLPA’s (Loan Level Price Adjustments – a.k.a. “more points”) on second home and investment property loans are being eliminated! Basically …
Earlier in the year, restrictions were put on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (largest purchasers of residential mortgages on the secondary market) that limited the number of second home and investment property loans they purchased to 7%. Naturally, lower supply equaled higher prices.
And now this restriction has been suspended …
While this directly applies to full doc mortgages that meet Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac guidelines, it will no doubt have a ripple effect on alternative lenders as well.
Many times we hear folks say their local bank or home loan officer told them they can’t qualify for a conforming second home or investment property loan … Oftentimes, they really can!
After decades of combined team experience, we’ve got some industry know-how on our side. During a strategy session, we may be able to help you see hidden possibilities.
While some may argue easy monetary policies, in all forms, has the economy in somewhat of a stupor …
Cheers to better rates!